
need a full detailed guide?

You're looking for the Treasury Handbook. The handbook is a hefty document that lists in detail all policies you will need to follow and be aware of as an organization leader. If you have a highly specific question, this is the right place to look.


Other Resources

How do I fill out paperwork?

Please review our EmConnect guide which provides a detailed guide for how to complete your SGA Payment Request form. This poster also outlines all the important information you need regarding paperwork attachments such as W9s, contracts, liability waivers, and more.

I want to know how to check my organization's budget:

You're looking for our EmConnect Guide. You can find your organization's budget on EmConnect if you are listed as President, Vice President or Treasurer. Here's a guide for how to access that information and learn more about it.

I'm filling out paperwork and I've got questions:

Then it’s time to ask for some help! Contact our treasury team via our